Department of entrepreneurial and commercial law

The Department of ” Entrepreneurial and commercial law ” was established in August 1981 under the name of the Department of “Economic Legislation and Labor Law”, which was headed by Honored Worker of Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, Doctor of Law, Professor Victor Arkadevich Oigenzicht. The department was established in order to train legal specialists for law enforcement agencies and other areas of the national economy of the republic. At the same time, 11 teachers were working in the department, including 7 full-time employees (1 doctor of law, professor, 3 candidates of law, associate professor, 1 senior teacher and 2 assistants) and 4 colleagues.

In 1991, taking into account the fundamental changes in the economic and legal life of the republic, the transition to a market economy and the adoption of new legislation, including business legislation, this department changed its name to “Entrepreneurial and commercial law” and the department was headed by Doctor of Legal sciences in different periods. law, professors Sh. M. Ismoilov in 1991-1994, M. Z. Rahimov in 1994-2000, associate professor N. Shonasridinov in 2000-2012 were in charge, Doctor of Legal sciences, Professor D.Sh. Sanginzod 2012-2022, Doctor of Legal sciences, Professor P.Z. Mirzozoda 2022.  Since March 2022, the head of this department is associate professor O.A. Mavlonazarzoda.

  In 2012, the department of “Financial and Credit Law Regulation” was established, which trained specialists from “Financial and Credit Law Regulation” for professional work in state bodies, banks, stock exchanges, financial and insurance organizations, investment foundations, the Ministry of Finance. Republic of Tajikistan, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan, Ministry of Energy and Industry of the Republic of Tajikistan, other state bodies of economic direction, economic services of enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership are mobilized in positions that require higher legal education. In 2019, on the basis of the department, the master’s level of the specialty “Regulation of finance and credit law” was established. At the same time, in 2020, the department specialized in “Legal support of customs activity” was established.

  Currently, the department has 23 people, 21 full-time employees, 2 external colleagues, including 4 doctors of legal sciences, professors, 7 candidates of legal sciences, associate professors, 3 senior teachers, 8 assistants, 1 head of the department: (professors) Rahimzoda M.Z., Ghafurzoda. A.D., Sanginzod D.Sh., Mirzozoda P.Z., (associate professor), Bobokalonov G.M., Mirboboeva R.V., Rizoeva S.K., Kabutov E.D., Mavlonazarzoda O.A., Muminov N.I., Shariphzoda I.M. (senior teachers),Khojaeva R.M., Ismonalizoda S., Rajabzoda H.R., (assistant) Karimov H.S., Shabonov. Sh.S., Azamkulov F.H., Abdulkhari H., Amirzoda F., Abdulazizi A., Majidova R.S. (laboratory assistant of the department).

The department of entrepreneurial and commercial law has bilateral cooperation with higher schools of the CIS countries, Afghanistan, Iran and the European Union, including with the department of business law of the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, the department of business law of the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University , the department of business and corporate law of the Moscow State University of Law named after O. E. Kutafin, the department of business and energy law of the Faculty of Law of the Kazan Federal University, the department of business, civil and economic law of the Moscow Academy of Economics and Law, department of business law of the Institute of Law of the Baltic Federal University named after I. Kant, department of business and labor law of the Faculty of Law of Ryazan State University named after S. A. Yesenin, department of business law of the Institute of Finance and Law of the Ural State University of Economics, department of civil law, civil procedure , labor law of the Faculty of Law of Kazakhstan National University named after Al-Farabi, Faculty of Management and Entrepreneurship of Bishek State University of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Department of Business Law of the Second Faculty of the State University law school of Tashkent, faculty of economics and economic law of Turkmenistan State Institute of Economics and Management, faculty of law of Kabul University, faculty of law of Shahid Bihishti University, etc.

                                                                                                 Amirzoda Farnush Amir  
Curriculum vitae
Marital statusMarriage, three children
citizenshipRepublic of Tajikistan
AddressRepublic of Tajikistan, city of Dushanbe, Sino district, Al-Beruni 7, 63.
Degree:Professional Degree,
The theme of doctoral degree: 2012scientific work: legal regulation of associations and unions in the Republic of Tajikistan. Theory and practice  
2020Assistant at the Department of entrepreneurial and commercial, Law Faculty, TNU
SpecialityCivil law, family law, private international law, entrepreneurial law
Workplace  Department of entrepreneurial and commercial of the Law Faculty, Tajik National Univercity
Publication:Monography, more than 25 articles and books
Mother tongue:tajik
Other languages:Russian (fluent), English (fluent))
Technical skills:Microsoft  Windows XP, Microsoft Office 2010, Microsoft Excel 2000

Bobokalon Goib Mergan

Position: Head of the Department of Labor, Migration and Social Protection

Legislation of the National Center for Legislation under the

President of the Republic of Tajikistan


Tel.: (+992) 907-94-87-73

Academic title: Associate Professor

Academic degree: Candidate of Law

Aspects of scientific activity: Aspects of his scientific activity are theory and history of state and law, labor law, social security law; he is the author of more than 250 scientific and popular science works.

Award and title: In recognition of many years of impeccable work and education of highly qualified specialists in the field of law, active participation in public life, labor merits in the development of the Republic of Tajikistan, by order of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 3311 dated 18.08.2011, the state award – medals “Khizmati Shoista” of the Republic of Tajikistan (2011), “Excellent Worker of the Press of the Republic of Tajikistan” (2002), “Excellent Worker of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan” (2006), commemorative medal “100th Anniversary of the Tajik Press” (2012), two “Certificates of Honor” of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan (2004, 2005), “Certificate of Honor” of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tajikistan (2000), commemorative medal “90th Anniversary of Justice of Tajikistan” (2019), “Certificate of Honor” of the National Legislative Center under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan” (2019), “Diploma” for winner of the competition “Best scientific book” of the National Legislative Center under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan in honor of the “30th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan” and “Year of Legal Education”. Monograph: “Legal education – the basis for building a healthy family and strengthening of the legal state” (2024). His fruitful work has also been noted by numerous awards and gratitude from the Faculty of Law, the Tajik National University and other state bodies.

Brief overview of activities

Education: In 1993, he graduated from the Law Faculty of the Tajik National University.

Defense of his PhD thesis: In 2004, he defended his PhD thesis.

Work experience and teaching: In 1980, he began working as an employee of the algraphic laboratory of the research department of the Tajik National University. In 1982-1984, he served in the Armed Forces of the USSR. In 1984-1994, he worked as an employee of the algraphic laboratory of the research department and continued his studies at the Law Faculty of the Tajik National University, which he graduated from in 1993. In 1994-2003 – teacher of the department of business and commercial law of the law faculty of the Tajik National University, in 2003-2007 – senior lecturer of the department, in April 2007 associate professor of the department, taught on the subject of labor law, social security law, financial law at the law faculty, economic faculties in the field of jurisprudence and taught business law and at the same time held the position of chairman of the scientific and methodological council of the faculty. Since September 2007 – deputy dean of the law faculty for academic work, since October of the same year – deputy rector for economic, administrative and social issues of the Tajik National University. Since October 2009, he held the position of deputy dean for educational work of the correspondence department and second higher education, at the same time holding the position of the rector’s representative for the “Student Town”, since 2011 held the position of director of printing and associate professor of the department of entrepreneurship and business law of the Tajik National University, from 03/14/2018 to the present, head of the department of legislation on labor, migration and social protection of the National Legislative Center under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Other reference information:

During his career, Bobokalon Goib Mergan actively participated in the public work of the University and the Republic, and was also a member of the Academic Council and the Scientific and Methodological Council of the University, a member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Law, the Chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Faculty, was a member of the district commission for elections and referendums, etc.

In 2004, Bobokalon Goib Mergan defended his PhD thesis on the topic: “Formation and development of labor legislation in Tajikistan (1917-1940)” under the supervision of Honored Scientist and Technologist of the Republic of Tajikistan, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, Doctor of Law, Professor Fazil Tahirovich Tahirov.

After successfully defending his dissertation, he was awarded the academic degree of candidate of legal sciences by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) (2004) and associate professor of the department of entrepreneurial and commercial law of the law faculty (2013) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. He is the author of more than 250 scientific, educational and methodological publications, including 7 monographs “Formation and development of labor legislation in Tajikistan”; “Development of labor legislation – 30 years of state independence and development of the legal system of Tajikistan”, “Institute of labor contract: formation, current state and development prospects in Tajikistan”, “Healthy family, support of the state”, “Legal education – the basis for building a healthy family and state stability”, “Collection of labor legislation in Tajikistan”, “Selected works on labor law and social security law”. Textbooks: “Labor law and social security of the Republic of Tajikistan”, Corporate law of the Republic of Tajikistan. Educational and scientific manuals: “Fundamentals of the State and Law of the Republic of Tajikistan”, “Employment Contract”, “Legal Dictionary and Handbook of an Entrepreneur”. Comments: Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, Labor Code of the Republic of Tajikistan, Laws of the Republic of Tajikistan “On Assistance to Employment of the Population”, “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, “On State Protection and Support of Entrepreneurship”, “On Restriction of the Use of Tobacco Products”, “On State Social Insurance”, “On Lombard’s”, “On migration”, “On handicrafts”, “On social services”, “On Protection of the Rights of Disabled Persons”, “On the State Language of the Republic of Tajikistan”, as well as “Terminology in the Field of Labor, Migration, Social Security, Education and Science, Health Care, Culture in the Legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan”, “Digital Dictionary of Legal Terminology” dedicated to the 35th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan, “Tajik National Encyclopedia” and others (individually and co-authored).

Bobokalon Goib Mergan has given more than 80 projects of normative legal acts of the Republic of Tajikistan, which were submitted to the National Legislative Center under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan on behalf of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, legal expertise of draft laws submitted for consideration to the Majlisi Namoyandagon of the Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan and other normative acts of various branches of government of the republic.

On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Head of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan and the leadership of the National Legislative Center under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, he participated and participates in working groups related to draft laws of the Republic of Tajikistan. As a researcher in the field of legal sciences, he made presentations at national and international forums, symposiums, conferences, including Boston, Massachusetts (the United States of America), Manchester (Great Britain), Hamburg (the Federal Republic of Germany), Copenhagen (Denmark), Warsaw (Poland), Chelyabinsk, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan (the Russian Federation). It should be noted that Bobokalon Goib Mergan respected by the teaching staff, students, employees of the Tajik National University, the National Center for Legislation under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan and the public. In the team, he has established himself as a responsible employee, trying to conscientiously fulfill the duties assigned to him.

Muminzoda Nozim Ismat

Position: Head of the Department of Practice and Professional Development of the Tajik National University.

Since February 06, 2009, he has been working as a consultant lawyer in the Legal Department of the Tajik National University.


Phone: (+992-37) 93-598-95-22

Academic degree: Candidate of Law                                               

Academic title: Associate Professor

His research area covers the fields of educational law; business law; family law; private international law (legal sciences) and contains more than 50 research materials.

Award and title: for his outstanding contribution to the scientific development of the country, he was awarded various awards, such as the Diploma of the Tajik National University (2015), IftarmaTajik National University (2016), “Diploma” of the Tajik National University (2019), medal “Excellent Student of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan” (2016), festive medal “20th anniversary of the border patrol of the State Committee for National Security of the Republic of Tajikistan” (2017), “certificate of honor” of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tajikistan (2020), He was awarded the medal of the 25th Anniversary of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Tajikistan.”


Education: graduated from Nosir Khusrav Bokhtar State University in 1996, graduated from Tajik State National University in 2005.

PhD thesis defense: defended his PhD thesis in 2020.

Work experience and teaching: Since 2009, he has been working at the Tajik National University as a specialist in the Department of Legal Support, at the same time an associate professor. From 2013 to 2024, he was the head of the Legal Department of the Tajik National University. Since May 2013, he has been a senior lecturer at the Department of Business and Commercial Law of the Faculty of Law, since January 2024 – Associate Professor at the Department of Business and Commercial Law of the Faculty of Law, since January 2024 – Head of the Internship and Professional Development Department of the University.

Other reviews:

Date of birth: 09/15/1974.

    Karimov Khurshed Safomudinovich
Curriculum vitae
Marital statusMarriage, three children
citizenshipRepublic of Tajikistan
AddressRepublic of Tajikistan, Fayzabad district
Degree:Professional Degree,
The theme of doctoral degree: 2012scientific work: Issues of legal regulation of currency transactions according to the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan
2020Assistant at the Department of entrepreneurial and commercial, Law Faculty, TNU
SpecialityCivil law, family law, private international law, entrepreneurial law
Workplace  Department of entrepreneurial and commercial of the Law Faculty, Tajik National Univercity
Publication:Monography, more than 25 articles and books
Mother tongue:tajik
Other languages:Russian (fluent), English
Technical skills:Microsoft  Windows XP, Microsoft Office 2010, Microsoft Excel 2000

Mansuri  Shodmon  Jamoliddinzoda

Position: Lecturer at the Department of Entrepreneurial and Commercial Law, Faculty of Law, Tajik National University.


Phone: (+992) 900-12-00-55.

Academic title: Associate Professor.

Academic degree: Candidate of Law.

Aspects of scientific activity: the scope of scientific research in the field of business law, legal regulation of the fulfillment of monetary obligations in the system of state administration of the Republic of Tajikistan and the fulfillment of monetary obligations, he is the author of 95 scientific and research materials.

Awards and titles: For distinguished services in the development of legal science and public administration, he has been awarded the following awards. Including, by the decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan dated August 21, 2023, No. 618 (5018) with the Medal of Merit, with the Medal of the 90th Anniversary of Justice of Tajikistan dated September 2, 2016, No. 139 (0465), with the Medal of Excellence for Culture of the Republic of Tajikistan dated August 22, 2016, No. 54-U, with the Medal of Excellence for Education and Science of Tajikistan dated September 5, 2024, No. 1035 (2695), with the qualification rank of “State Service Advisor of the 1st degree” in 2015, with the Certificate “Endless Light in Science” in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2023, etc.

Brief description of the situation:


In 2004 – graduated from the full-time department of the Faculty of Law of the Tajik National University with honors;

In 2008 – graduated from the part-time department of the Tajik Agrarian University named after Sh. Shokhtemur with honors;

In 2016 – graduated from the full-time department of the Master’s degree of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan with honors;

In 2021 – graduated from the postgraduate department of the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Law named after A. Bahovaddinov of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.

Master’s thesis defense: in 2016, he defended his master’s thesis on the topic “Legal regulation of the fulfillment of monetary obligations in the system of public administration of the Republic of Tajikistan”.

Candidate’s thesis defense: in 2021, he defended his candidate’s thesis on the topic “Performance of monetary obligations”.

Work experience and teaching activities: In 2008-2009, he was an assistant at the Department of Finance and Credit at the Accounting and Finance Faculty of the Tajik Agrarian University named after Sh. Shohtemur. Also, in 2013-2017, he worked as an assistant at the Department of Finance and Credit at the Accounting and Finance Faculty of the Tajik Agrarian University named after Sh. Shohtemur. In 2018-2019, he worked as a teacher at the State Institution of the Women’s Educational Center “Sarvar”.

Since 2021, he has been a teacher at the Department of Entrepreneurial and Commercial Law at the Faculty of Law of the Tajik National University.

Other background information: Date of birth: 01/06/1982.

Khojaeva Rukhshona Muminjonovna

Position: Senior teacher of the department

of “entrepreneurial and commercial law”

of the faculty of law of Tajik National University.


Phone: +992934090580

Academic title:

Academic degree:

Aspects of scientific activity: The scope of his scientific research in the fields of law entrepreneur and business, financial law, tax law, labor law, corporate law and banking law, and is the author of more than 25 scientific and research materials.

Award: “Honorary certificate of the of Tajik National University ” (April 25, 2018).

Brief biographical information:

Education: Graduated from the faculty of Law of the Tax Law Institute in 2002.

 Work experience and teaching: In 2005, she began working as an assistant at the department of “business and commercial law” of the Law faculty of the Tajik National University. In 2015, in accordance with the order of the Rector of the Tajik National University, she became a candidate for the department of “business and commercial law” of the faculty of Law. At the meeting of the department, the topic of the candidate’s dissertation was approved under the title “Private law regulation of valuation activities: theory and practice”.

Since 2019, she has been working as a senior lecturer at the department of “business and commercial law” of the TNU faculty of Law.

Other background information:

Date of birth: 09.05.1980.

                                                                                                   Shabonov Shohkarim Sultonovich  
Curriculum vitae
Marital statusMarriage, two children
citizenshipRepublic of Tajikistan
AddressRepublic of Tajikistan, city of Dushanbe, Shohmansur district, Pomir street, 111.
Phone:900 07 88 93
Degree:Professional Degree,
The theme of doctoral degree: 2012scientific work: legal regulation of entrepreneurial activity in highway construction in the republic of tajikistan  
2007-Assistant at the Department of entrepreneurial and commercial, Law Faculty, TNU
SpecialityCivil law, family law, private international law, entrepreneurial law
Workplace  Department of entrepreneurial and commercial of the Law Faculty, Tajik National Univercity
Publication:Monography, more than 20 articles and books
Mother tongue:tajik
Other languages:Russian (fluent), English (fluent))
Technical skills:Microsoft  Windows XP, Microsoft Office 2010, Microsoft Excel 2000