Qodirov Nekruz Abdulmajidovich
Position: Head of the Department of International Law
Email: master.nek@mail.ru
Phone: +992 905808686
Academic title: Associate Professor
Academic degree: Candidate of Legal Sciences
Aspects of scientific activity: the scope of his scientific research is in the areas of private international law, international law, international economic law, and he is the author of more than 40 scientific and research materials.
Awards and titles: for his meritorious services in the development of legal science in the country, he has been awarded various awards, including the “Certificate of Honor of the Tajik National University” (2021); for many years of impeccable services in the field of education, a significant contribution to the field of education, a significant contribution to the education and upbringing of the younger generation, the training of high-quality personnel and active participation in public life, he was awarded the badge of Excellence in Education and Science of Tajikistan. Certificate No. 3092, in accordance with the decision of the Council (order) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan dated 22.10.2024, he was awarded the badge of “Excellence in Education and Science of Tajikistan”.
Brief description of the situation
In 2013 – graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law of the Tajik National University.
Defense of the candidate’s thesis:
In 2020, he defended his candidate’s thesis on the topic “Custom as a source of private international law in the Republic of Tajikistan”.
Work experience and teaching activities:
Since 2014, he has been working as an assistant at the Department of International Law. He also entered the correspondence department of the Tajik National University of Law in 2015 and graduated in 2019. In 2020, he became a senior lecturer, in 2022, he became an associate professor, and currently he is working as the head of the Department of International Law at the Faculty of Law of the Tajik National University (05.12.2022).
Other information:
Date of birth: Born on July 20, 1986.

Khodirkulov Khurshed Rahmonovich
Position: Associate Professor of the Department of International Law
Email: khurshed.inis@gmail.com
Phone: +992 208798081
Academic title: Associate Professor
Academic degree: Candidate of Legal Sciences
Aspects of scientific activity: the scope of his scientific research is in the areas of private international law, international law, diplomatic and consular law and labor migration law, and he is the author of more than 2 scientific monographs, more than 80 scientific articles, 6 educational programs and 2 educational materials.
Awards and titles: for many years of impeccable services in the field of education, a significant contribution to the field of education, a significant contribution to the education and upbringing of the younger generation, the training of high-ranking personnel and active participation in public life, he was awarded the “Excellence in Education and Science of Tajikistan” (2013), for meritorious services in the development of legal science in the country, the “Certificate of Honor of the Tajik National University” (2021).
Brief description of the situation
In 1998 – graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Tajik State National University with a diploma of “excellence”.
Defense of the candidate’s thesis:
In 2004, he defended his candidate’s thesis on the topic “Issues of legal regulation of labor relations in private international law”.
Work experience and teaching activities:
1998-2006 – Assistant Professor of the Department of International Law, Faculty of Law; 2006-2008 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of International Law, Faculty of Law; from 2008 to the present, he has been working as an Associate Professor of the Department of International Law, Faculty of Law, Tashkent State University.
Other background information:
Born on March 30, 1971.

Sulaymonov Firuz Safaralievich
Position: Associate Professor of the Department of International Law
Email: firuz_sulaimonov@mail.ru
Phone: +992 918 187679
Academic title: Associate Professor
Academic degree: Candidate of Legal Sciences
Aspects of scientific activity: the scope of his scientific research is in the areas of private international law, civil law and trade of foreign countries, cultural law and international law, and he is the author of more than 100 scientific and research materials.
Awards and titles: for his meritorious services in the development of the country’s legal science, he has been awarded various awards, including the “Award for Young Scientists of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan” (Dushanbe, 1998), the Ismoil Somoni Award established by the Committee for Youth, Sports and Tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for young scientists in the field of humanitarian sciences (Dushanbe, 2006), “Excellence in Education of the Republic of Tajikistan. (Dushanbe, 2007), the Jubilee Medal “90th Anniversary of Justice of Tajikistan.” (Dushanbe, 2015), etc.
Brief description of the situation
In 2000, he graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Tajik State National University with a diploma of “excellence”.
Defense of the candidate’s thesis:
In 2004, he defended his candidate’s thesis on the topic “The Republic of Tajikistan – a participant in international-private relations”.
Work experience and teaching activities:
In 2000, he began his scientific activity as an assistant of the department and, in turn, from 2000 to 2003, a full-time postgraduate student of the Department of “State and Law” of the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan. At the same time, in 2007, he became a senior lecturer of the department, and from 2008 to the present, he is an associate professor of the Department of International Law of the Faculty of Law.
Other background information:
Born on May 25, 1979.

Mirzoev Amonullo Mirzodavaltovich
Position: Associate Professor of the Department of International Law
Scientific title: docent
Academic degree: Candidate of Law Sciences
Aspects of scientific activity: the scope of his scientific research is in the fields of private international law, international water law, international law and legal regulation of foreign economic agreements, and he is the author of more than 70 scientific and research materials.
Award and title: awarded with various awards for meritorious services in the development of jurisprudence in the country.
Brief description of the situation
In 2010, he graduated from the Faculty of Law of the National University of Tajikistan with an “excellent” diploma.
Candidate thesis defense:
In 2015, he defended his candidate’s thesis on the topic “Applicable law to contractual relations in private international law”.
Work experience and teaching activity:
Assistant of the department of international law (2010-2015), assistant, candidate of legal sciences (2015-2017), associate professor of the department (2017 to the present). Researcher in the field of private international law.
Other information about the current situation:
Born on August 7, 1987.

Salomov Isroil Ismatulloevich
Position: Senior Lecturer of the Department
Academic Title: –
Academic Degree: Candidate of Law
Aspects of Scientific Activity: Private International Law, International Law
Awards and Titles:
Brief Description
2010-2015, Faculty of Law, Tajik State University
Defense of the Candidate’s Thesis:
In 2019, he defended his Candidate’s Thesis on the topic “Problems of the Phenomenon of the Condition of Public Order in the Republic of Tajikistan”.
Work Experience and Teaching Activities:
Assistant of the Department of International Law, Faculty of Law, Tajik State University (2015-2018), Senior Lecturer of the Department (2021 to present). Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law of the Tajik National University of Education (2018 to present). Researcher in the field of private international law.
Other background information:
Born on September 6, 1992.

Nurinisso Hotamshoevna
Position: Assistant Professor
Academic title: –
Academic degree: –
Aspects of scientific activity: international law, international criminal law, European law
Awards and titles: –
Brief description of the situation
2013-2018, Faculty of Law, Tajik National University
Defense of the candidate’s thesis:
Work experience and teaching activities:
From 2018 to the present, she has been an assistant professor of the Department of International Law, Faculty of Law, Tajik National University, and in one turn from 2021 to the present – a candidate for the title of the department.
Other background information:
Born June 19, 1996.

Mokhru Talbakovna
Position: Assistant Professor
Academic title: –
Academic degree: –
Aspects of scientific activity: international law, World Trade Organization law
Awards and titles:
Brief description of the situation
2013-2018, Faculty of Law, Tajik National University
Defense of the candidate’s thesis:
Work experience and teaching activities:
From 2018 to the present, she has been working as an assistant at the Department of International Law, Faculty of Law, Tajik National University, and from 2019 to the present, she is a candidate for the title of the department.
Other background information:
Born on January 28, 1996.

Ubaidullo Saimakhmudovich
Position: Assistant Professor
Academic title: –
Academic degree: –
Aspects of scientific activity: private international law, law of international organizations, law of international treaties
Awards and titles:
Brief description of the situation
2013-2018, Faculty of Law, Tajik National University
Defense of the candidate’s thesis:
Work experience and teaching activities:
2019 to the present Assistant Professor of the Department of International Law, Faculty of Law, Tajik National University, and in one turn from 2019 to the present – a candidate for the title of the department.
Other background information:
Born October 13, 1996.

Ismatullo Bobokhuja
Position: Assistant Professor
Academic title: –
Academic degree: –
Aspects of scientific activity: international law, private international law, legal foundations of foreign policy of the Republic of Tajikistan
Awards and titles:
Brief description of the situation
2014-2019, Faculty of Law, Tajik National University
Defense of the candidate’s thesis:
Work experience and teaching activities:
From 2019 to the present, he has been working as an assistant at the Department of International Law, Faculty of Law, Tajik National University, and from 2019 to the present, he is a candidate for the title of the department.
Other background information:
Born September 1, 1996.

Jamakhon Sayvalievich
Position: Assistant Professor
Academic title: –
Academic degree: –
Aspects of scientific activity: private international law, international humanitarian law, international law
Awards and titles:
Brief description of the case
2007-2012, Faculty of Law, Tajik National University
Defense of the candidate’s thesis:
Work experience and teaching activities:
From 2012 to the present, he has worked as an assistant at the Department of International Law, Faculty of Law, Tajik National University
Other information about the case:
Born on June 30, 1989.

Odinaeva Zarrina Juraevna
Position: assistant of the department
Scientific title: –
Academic degree: –
Aspects of scientific activity: international law
Award and title:
Brief description of the situation
2014-2016, faculty of law of DMT
Candidate thesis defense:
Work experience and teaching activity:
In 1998-2004, he worked as a technical secretary in the office of the Prosecutor’s Office of Zafarabad district. In 2002-2004, he completed the computer operator training course with an honors diploma. In 2004, he entered the Faculty of History of the National University of Tajikistan and graduated in 2009. In 2004-2007, he worked as a regulator at the Faculty of Journalism of the National University of Tajikistan. In 2007, he was transferred to the Department of International Law of the National University of Tajikistan as a senior laboratory assistant. In 2014, he entered the master’s department of the Faculty of Law of the National University of Tajikistan, and in 2016 he obtained the master’s degree in the specialty of “international jurist”. .
Other information about the current situation:
He was born on 20.10.1974.
Odinazoda Fazliddin Abdu Ghaffor
Position: assistant of the department
Scientific title: –
Academic degree: –
Aspects of scientific activity: international water law, international humanitarian law, the right to disappear,
Award and title:
Brief description of the situation
2011-2016, faculty of law of DMT
Candidate thesis defense:
Work experience and teaching activity:
From 2016-2019, on the basis of the university’s assignment to the air force and air defense of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Tajikistan, from 2019-2021, the staff of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Tajikistan, from 2019-2022, a graduate student of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, from September 2022 to now at the department faculty of international law he is working as an assistant at the Faculty of Law of the National University of Tajikistan.
Other information about the current situation:
Born on 17.07.1993.

RAJABZODA Mahmadyor Nosir
Position: Associate Professor of the Department
Academic Title: Associate Professor
Academic Degree: Candidate of Law
Aspects of Scientific Activity: International Law, Private International Law, International Customs Law, Law of International Organizations
Awards and Titles:
– Winner of the “Young Scientists’ Prize of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan”. Dushanbe, 1998.
– Prize established by the Committee for Youth, Sports and Tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan named after Ismoil Somoni for young scientists in the field of humanitarian sciences. Dushanbe, 2006
– Excellence in Education of Tajikistan. Dushanbe, 2007.
– Jubilee Medal “90th Anniversary of Justice of Tajikistan”. Dushanbe, 2015.
Brief description
1990-1995, Faculty of Law, Tajik State University of Law (now Tajik State University)
Defense of the candidate’s thesis:
In 2004, he defended his candidate’s thesis on the topic “Civil and legal status of foreigners in the Republic of Tajikistan”.
Work experience and teaching activities:
Postgraduate studies at the Research Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan (1998). Teacher (1995-2005), senior lecturer (2005-2007), associate professor (2007). Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law for Science (2007-2008), Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law for Education in the Departments of International Relations (Law) and Lawyer-Teacher (2008-2012), Head of the Department of International Law of the Tajik State Pedagogical University (2012-2020). By the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan dated June 18, 2020, No. 358, he was appointed to the position of Rector of the state educational institution of the Tajik Pedagogical Institute in the Rasht district.
Other background information:
Born on March 20, 1973.

IDIZODA Faizali Fuzailsho
Position: Associate Professor of the Department
Academic Title: Associate Professor
Academic Degree: Candidate of Law
Aspects of Scientific Activity: European Law, International Law
Awards and Titles:
Brief Description
1993-1998, Faculty of Law, Tajik State University
Defense of the Candidate’s Thesis:
In 2001, she defended her candidate’s thesis on the topic “International-Legal Foundations of the Participation of International Organizations in the Resolution of the Armed Conflict in Tajikistan”.
Work experience and teaching activities:
In the tax police department of the Rasht group of districts as an investigator (1998-2001). Investigator of the military prosecutor’s office of the Karotegin region (2001-2008). Postgraduate studies at the Sector of International Law of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the full-time department (2008-2011). Assistant Professor of the Department of International Law, Faculty of Law, Tajik National University (2011-2015), Senior Lecturer (2015-2017), Associate Professor (part-time since 2017), Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law for Science (2012-2013), First Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law for Education (2013), Deputy Rector of the Tajik Pedagogical Institute in Rasht District (2013-2014), Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law for Education (2014-2015), Director of the National Center for Legislation under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan (2018), Rector of the Tajik Pedagogical Institute in Rasht District (2019). Chairman of the Committee on State Structure and Local Self-Government of the Majlisi Namoyandagoni Majlisi Olii RT (2020-present)
Other background information:
Born on January 3, 1977.

Position: Associate Professor of the Department
Academic Title: Associate Professor
Academic Degree: Candidate of Law
Aspects of Scientific Activity: International Humanitarian Law
Awards and Titles: Excellent Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan,
– Winner of the “Young Scientist Award of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan”. Dushanbe, 2005.
Brief Description
1993-1998, Faculty of Law, Tajik State University of Law
Defense of the Candidate’s Thesis:
In 2004, he defended his candidate’s thesis on the topic “Organizational-legal forms of joint economic activity”.
Work experience and teaching activities:
Since September 1998, he has been working as an assistant at the Department of International Law of the Tajik National University. . In 2004 – 2007, he worked as the deputy dean of the Faculty of Law of the Tajik National University of Science. In 2005-2007, he was a senior lecturer at the Department of International Law of the Tajik National University, and from 2007 to the present, he has been working as an associate professor at the Department of International Law (part-time). In 2007 -2009, he worked as an advisor to the President of the Republic of Tajikistan on legal policy and at the same time as an authorized representative of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan in the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Tajikistan. In 2009-2012, he worked as the first deputy director of the National Center for Legislation under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan. In 2012-2014, he worked as an advisor to the President of the Republic of Tajikistan on legal policy, and in 2014-2019, he worked as an advisor to the Assistant to the President of the Republic of Tajikistan on legal issues. Since March 4, 2019, he has been serving as the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Republic of Tajikistan.
Other background information:
Born on January 25, 1972.

SAIDZODA Hikmatullo Khujanazar
Position: Associate Professor of the Department
Academic Title: Associate Professor
Academic Degree: Candidate of Law
Aspects of Scientific Activity: International Customs Law, Customs Law, Arbitration Dispute Resolution
Award and Title: Excellence in Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan
Brief Description
2005-2010, Faculty of Law, Tajik State University of Law
Defense of the Candidate’s Thesis:
In 2017, he defended his candidate’s thesis on the topic “Formation and Development of Customs Legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan: Historical and Legal Research”.
Work experience and teaching activities:
2010-2011 specialist in the Department of Accounting and Registration of Legal Documents of the Republic of Tajikistan of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tajikistan, from November 19, 2011 assistant to the department and from May 2020 senior lecturer of the department, from April 16 to August 1, 2020 head of the Department of Education of the Tajik National University, from August 1, 2020 to 2022 head of the Department of International Law, from 2022 to the present day head of the Personnel Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Other background information:
Born on April 26, 1987.

Salehzoda Zafar Ismatullo
Position: Senior Lecturer of the Department
Academic Title: –
Academic Degree: –
Aspects of Scientific Activity: International Law, Private International Law, International Humanitarian Law
Awards and Titles: –
Brief Description
2001-2006, Faculty of Law, Tashkent State University of Law
Defense of Candidate’s Thesis:
Work Experience and Teaching Activity:
2007-20014 as an Assistant Professor of the Department of International Law, Faculty of Law, and in one turn from 2007 to the present – a candidate for the title of the aforementioned department; From 2014 to present – Senior Lecturer at the Department of International Law, Faculty of Law.
Other background information:
Born November 16, 1982.